Mastering the art of the draw shot can take your golf game to the next level, opening up new strategies and ways to navigate the course.

This comprehensive guide will help you understand and perfect this game-changing technique, regardless of your current skill level.

So, whether you’re a beginner eager to learn or an advanced golfer looking to refine your draw, let’s tap into the world of draw shots.

What is a Draw in Golf?

A draw in golf is a shot that starts to the right of the target for a right-handed golfer and curves back to the left in flight. This shot can be advantageous for avoiding obstacles or navigating doglegs on the golf course. Draw shots are desirable due to their controlled manner of ball flight and because they typically result in a more forward roll after landing.

Conversely, the exact opposite shot, a fade shot, begins left of the target for a right-handed player and moves right during flight. Fade shots are useful when the situation calls for a slight left-to-right shape on the ball’s trajectory, but their exaggerated cousin, the slice, can cause too much curve and send the ball well off the intended landing zone.

The Mechanics Behind the Draw Golf Shot

For a right-handed golfer, executing a draw shot involves a combination of an inside-out golf swing and a closed club face at impact. The swing path moves from inside the target line to outside during the takeaway and downswing, while the clubface remains slightly closed about the swing path but open to the target line.

The positioning of the golf ball is also essential. The ball position for a draw shot is usually in the direct line between the target and the inside of the lead foot, slightly off-center towards the player’s trail hip. This setup allows the golf ball to be hit at the beginning of the upward swing arc, promoting a right-to-left flight path for right-handed golfers.

An inside swing path also contributes to the draw shot’s curve. The club comes from the inside, strikes the ball slightly off-center, and continues outward. This movement imparts a clockwise spin (for a right-hander), which causes the golf ball to curve in the air.

The Difference Between Draw and Fade Shots

Understanding the draw in golf also requires some comprehension of its counterpart, the fade shot. Both shots are used to curve the ball around obstacles, but they curve in opposite directions. The fade shot is preferred by right-handed golfers when they want the ball to move from left to right.

The club path for a fade shot is typically from outside to inside, and the clubface is slightly open at impact. These are a few differences compared to a draw shot where the club path is from inside to outside, and the clubface is slightly closed at impact.

Some golfers might naturally hit fade shots or straight shots due to their swing mechanics. While learning how to hit a draw can be useful, it’s crucial not to neglect other types of golf shots that can be equally beneficial under different circumstances.

The Right and Wrong Ways to Play a Draw

Though many advanced and professional golfers have perfected the draw shot as a go-to shot in their arsenal, most golfers, especially amateur golfers, often make a few mistakes while trying to perform it. One common mistake is over-rotating the clubface into a closed position at the address, thinking it will create the desired draw.

The goal is to have the clubface square to the target at impact, not at address. Therefore, the clubface should start in a square or slightly closed position relative to the target line and then rotate forward through impact while the club path moves from inside to outside.

The setup is another area where golfers often go wrong. For a proper setup, the player’s trail shoulder (right shoulder for right-handed players) and trail leg should be slightly behind the ball. This setup promotes an inside-out swing path. However, sufficient space between the golfer and the ball is needed to allow the club to move on the desired path without obstruction.

Common Draw Shot Mistakes

While draw shots are a favored go-to shot for many professional golfers, amateur golfers often struggle with a few common mistakes. One such mistake is attempting to create a draw by closing the clubface. This might result in the ball starting left of the target and then drawing even further left.

Another common mistake is positioning the ball too far forward in the stance. This setup can lead to an outside-to-inside swing path, causing a slice rather than a draw for right-handed golfers.

Avoiding these mistakes involves properly understanding the mechanics behind the draw shot and the factors influencing the ball’s flight path. This knowledge and ample practice can help golfers execute a consistent draw shot.

Influence of the Golf Ball on Draw Shots

The golf ball you choose to play with can significantly impact your game, including your ability to hit a successful draw shot. Golf balls vary in construction, materials, and design features, affecting their performance characteristics, such as spin rate, distance, and trajectory.

A golf ball with a higher spin rate can be beneficial when trying to hit a draw shot. A ball with a higher spin will react more to the sidespin created during the golf swing, which can help enhance the draw curve. However, be aware that a higher spin ball can also exaggerate mistakes, causing a draw to turn into a hook or a slice into a severe fade.

In contrast, golf balls designed for distance typically have lower spin rates. These balls may not curve as much when trying to hit a draw, but they can help minimize swing errors’ impact. Therefore, choosing the right golf ball depends on your skill level, natural swing tendencies, and the specific golf shots you plan to play.

The Role of Equipment in Draw Shots

The role of the golf club and golf ball cannot be overstated when discussing draw shots. Every aspect, from the type of golf ball to the golf club used, can affect how the ball curves in flight.

The selection of golf balls can significantly impact how a draw shot performs. Some golf balls have specific features to enhance spin or reduce drag, directly influencing the ball’s flight path. Choosing a golf ball that complements your game style and the specific shots you plan to play is essential.

Regarding the golf club, the clubface’s design can play a part in shaping your shots. Iron clubs, in particular, can influence the amount of spin you can impart on the ball. A clubface with a higher loft tends to create more backspin, which can reduce the amount of draw on a shot.

Techniques to Control Too Much Curve

While draw shots can be advantageous, controlling the amount of curve can be challenging for many golfers. Too much curve can turn a draw shot into a hook, causing the ball to be significantly left of the target for right-handed players.

To prevent excessive curve, golfers should focus on maintaining a square clubface through impact rather than over-rotating it to a closed position. The golfer’s trail shoulder and hip should also move in sync during the swing to maintain a balanced posture and prevent an overly inside swing path.

Training aids and drills can also control the swing path and clubface alignment. For example, placing a golf club on the ground to visually represent the target line can help golfers develop a more inside-out swing path.

Refining Your Golf Swing for Consistent Draw Shots

Achieving a consistent draw shot in golf involves refining various aspects of your golf swing. From the setup to the swing path, clubface alignment, and the follow-through, each element plays a part in shaping the ball flight.

A proper setup for a draw shot includes a slightly closed stance, with the feet, hips, and shoulders aligned somewhat right of the target (for a right-handed golfer). The ball position should be just slightly back from normal to promote an inside-out swing path.

The golfer should maintain an inside-out path during the swing while ensuring the clubface is slightly closed at impact. A proper follow-through is also important, with the club finishing high and the body rotated towards the target.

Mastering the Draw Shot with Iron Clubs

While the draw shot can be played with any golf club, it’s particularly beneficial to master this shot with iron clubs. Irons offer greater control and accuracy, making them ideal for hitting draw shots into greens or tight fairways.

When playing a draw shot with an iron, the clubface should still be slightly closed to the club path at impact, but not as much as when using a driver. This subtle change helps to control the amount of draw and prevent the ball from curving too far left for right-handed players.

Iron clubs with less loft, such as a 4-iron or 5-iron, are typically easier to draw than clubs with higher loft. However, mastering a draw shot with higher-lofted irons can be a valuable skill, particularly for approach shots to the green.

Learning from Professional Golfers

Observing professional golfers can be enlightening to understand the draw shot better. Most of them can shape their shots based on the requirements of the golf course, often making it look effortless. Their swing paths, ball positions, and clubface controls are honed over years of practice and playing.

Professional golfers employ a consistent draw or fade shape, relying on their natural swing. Right-handed golfers’ trail hip rotation and spine angle during the swing are critical elements that facilitate the inside-out swing path and closed clubface necessary for a draw shot. Many advanced golfers have perfected this technique and used it to their advantage during tournaments.

Studying how professionals execute draw shots under pressure and different course conditions can provide valuable insights for amateur golfers. It shows how to control the ball’s flight in a predictable and consistent manner.

Understanding the Inside-Out Swing Path for Draw Shots

The swing path plays a pivotal role in shaping the ball flight in golf. The ideal swing path for right-handed golfers looking to hit a draw shot is “inside-out.”

An inside-out swing path means the club approaches the golf ball from inside the target line, strikes the ball, and then exits back to the inside. Combined with a closed clubface at impact, this swing path imparts sidespin on the ball, causing it to curve from right to left in the air – the hallmark of a draw shot.

Practicing an inside-out swing path can be challenging, especially if your natural swing path tends to be straight or outside-in. Drills promoting this swing path, like the towel or gate drill, can be effective training tools. Remember, changing your swing path is a significant adjustment and will require plenty of practice to become comfortable and consistent.

Perfecting the Draw Golf Shot

To perfect the draw shot, golfers must work on their swing path and clubface control. It’s also vital to avoid attempting to create too much curve, which could turn the draw into a hook shot, causing the ball to veer too far to the left. The ideal draw sees the ball finishing slightly off-center to the right for right-handed players before curving back to the target.

Practice is key to mastering this golf shot. It’s best to start on the driving range, hitting a series of golf shots with different clubs, particularly iron clubs. As consistency is achieved, the golfer can move to the golf course and apply the shot in real game scenarios, from tee shots to escaping trouble spots on the course.

A successful draw shot also depends on the golfer’s natural swing tendencies. For instance, a golfer who naturally fades the ball may find it harder to consistently draw the ball than someone with a straight or slightly draw-biased natural swing.

Fine-Tuning Your Draw Shot

While mastering the draw shot is beneficial, it’s equally important to remember that the perfect draw doesn’t always mean a dramatic curve. Many golfers aim for a slight but controlled curve that brings the ball back to the target line without risking the ball traveling too much laterally or veering into the rough.

Fine-tuning your draw shot requires understanding your natural swing and its tendencies. It’s about slightly adjusting your club path, clubface alignment, and ball position rather than overhauling your swing.

Work on your draw shots at the driving range and experiment with different clubface angles, ball positions, and swing paths. You can then apply these techniques to the golf course. Don’t be discouraged by a few mis-hits; even professional golfers have off-days. The key is consistency and persistence.

Using the Draw Shot in Golf Games

The draw shot can be a powerful tool in a golfer’s arsenal on the golf course. It can be the perfect solution when the tee box is on the right side of the fairway or when there’s an obstacle directly in line with the target.

A variation of the draw, the punch draw, is beneficial for escaping trouble. In this shot, the ball stays lower than a standard draw, making it handy when there are low-hanging branches or strong headwinds.

Moreover, if used judiciously, a controlled draw can add a few extra yards to the drive due to the topspin, especially when combined with modern golf balls designed to optimize spin and distance.

Draw Shots and Course Management

A good golfer knows how to use the draw shot in their course management strategy. The golf course layout often dictates the shots that should be played. For instance, a fairway that bends to the left is an ideal scenario for right-handed players to play a draw shot from the tee box.

Also, the ability to hit a draw shot can provide a safety net when faced with obstacles. If you find your ball left of the fairway with a tree blocking your direct line to the green, a draw shot might be your best option to bend the ball around the tree and back onto the green.

However, it’s vital not to over-rely on draw shots, especially when the shot calls for a fade shape. Understanding when to use each shot type signifies a skilled golfer.


A draw in golf can be an effective golf shot to master, whether you’re a right-handed player or a left-handed one. Though it may require some practice to execute consistently, its advantages, from navigating tricky fairways to adding distance to your shots, make it worthwhile.

Remember, patience, proper setup, and understanding of the clubface and swing path dynamics are crucial to achieving the perfect draw.


  1. “How to Hit a Draw,” Golf Digest, 2018.
  2. “Understanding the Mechanics of a Golf Draw,” Golf Monthly, 2020.
  3. “Why Every Golfer Needs a Draw Shot in Their Arsena”l, Golf State of Mind, 2022.
  4. “Mastering the Draw Shot,” Golf WRX, 2023.

Chris is an accomplished health and fitness writer with a strong passion for helping others optimize their physical and mental well-being. With a degree in Exercise Science and a diverse background in the wellness industry, Chris brings a depth of knowledge to his writing that is both comprehensive and compelling.

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