The hook often stems from an issue with the golfer’s swing path or grip, resulting in a closed clubface at impact. This can be due to a poor grip, incorrect alignment, or a swing path that is too ‘in to out’. Understanding these causes can help you know how to fix a hook in golf.

Understanding Golf Hooks

A golf hook is a common issue faced by many golfers, especially beginners. It’s a type of shot where the golf ball curves in a right-to-left direction (for a right-handed golfer), often ending up left of the target. The hook shot can be problematic because it’s unpredictable and hard to control, often leading the ball astray from the intended target.

A hook shot is not to be confused with a slice when the ball curves from left to right (for right-handed golfers). The destructive hook shot can lead to many missed fairways, which most golfers aim to fix.

The Role of the Golf Ball in Your Swing

The golf ball you use and how you position it can significantly affect your swing and the resulting ball flight. Many golfers underestimate the role of the golf ball in their game. For example, placing the ball too far forward in your stance can encourage a hook shot. Similarly, you may hit a slice if your ball is too far back.

Adjusting your golf ball position can be a simple way to help fix a hook. Generally, try positioning the ball in line with the inside of your front heel. This can help promote a square clubface at impact, reducing the chances of a hook.

Analyzing Your Swing Path

Your swing path is a critical aspect of your golf game. For right-handed golfers, a swing path with too much ‘in to out’ can result in a hook. This path tends to close the clubface relative to the target line, causing the ball to curve from right to left.

To analyze your swing path, consider using video analysis tools or enlist the help of a professional. You may find that you are not aligned correctly or swinging too much from the inside. Correcting your swing path to a more neutral one can help fix your hook.

The Left Arm’s Role in Fixing a Golf Hook

Your left arm (for right-handed golfers) plays a vital role in controlling the clubface and, subsequently, the direction of your golf shots. Common left-arm mistakes can lead to a hook. For example, if your left arm rotates too much during the swing, it can close the clubface, leading to a hook.

Focusing on keeping your left arm in a more neutral position can help keep the clubface square at impact. This can be a critical step in fixing a hook. Keep your left arm straight and allow it to hinge at the top of your backswing naturally.

Detailed Guide: How to Fix a Hook in Golf

Fixing a hook involves adjusting various aspects of your game. Here are some key steps:

Adjusting Your Grip

The grip is one of the most significant influences on your clubface. A strong grip, where the top hand is rotated too far to the right, can cause a closed clubface and a resulting hook shot.

Instead, try adopting a more neutral grip. This means the ‘V’ formed by your thumb and index finger on both hands should point toward your right shoulder.

Positioning Your Body Correctly

Correct alignment is critical. Aim to have your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to the target line. Poor alignment can cause a hook as your body compensates during the swing.

Adjusting Your Stance

If you stand too close to the ball, you might swing ‘in to out,’ leading to a hook. Ensure you’re standing at a comfortable distance where your arms hang naturally.

Focusing on the Backswing

During your backswing, keep your left arm straight and rotate your body, not just your arms. This can help keep the clubface square.

Importance of the Downswing

Start your downswing with your lower body, allowing your arms to follow. This can help keep your clubface square at impact and prevent a hook.

Making the Right Impact

At impact, your clubface should be square to the target line. Focus on hitting the ball with the center of the clubface. A closed clubface at impact is a primary cause of hooks.

Following Through Correctly

After impact, your clubface should point towards the target, and your body should be fully rotated towards the target. A correct follow-through is vital to prevent hooks.

Continuously Practicing the Right Technique

Fixing a hook requires consistent practice. Remember, it’s not about hitting the ball hard but correctly.

Continued practice with the right technique is the key to fixing a hook. It can be helpful to regularly check your grip, stance, and swing path and make adjustments as needed.

Common Mistakes in Trying to Fix a Hook

Golfers often make a few common mistakes when trying to fix a hook. One is overcorrecting, which can lead to a slice instead of a hook. Another is adjusting the grip or stance incorrectly, leading to other issues.

Not practicing enough or not seeking professional help when needed are also common errors. Ignoring the importance of a pre-shot routine can be another mistake. Be patient, as fixing a hook can take time.

Tools and Resources to Help Fix Your Golf Hook

There are numerous tools and resources available to help you fix your hook. Training aids like alignment sticks can be helpful. Additionally, various apps for analyzing your swing and online lessons and tutorials can provide useful guidance.

Expert Advice: Insights from Professional Golfers

Many professional golfers have had to work on fixing a hook at some point in their careers. Insights from these professionals can be a valuable resource. They often emphasize the importance of a correct grip, proper alignment, and a controlled swing path.

Practice Exercises to Help Fix a Golf Hook

Several practice exercises can help fix a hook. Drills to improve your swing path, enhance your left arm movement, and adjust your grip can all be beneficial. Regular practice can lead to consistent improvements.

Understanding the Difference: Slice vs. Hook

Often, golfers who suffer from hooks have previously struggled with the opposite issue – a slice. A golfer’s slice happens when the ball curves dramatically from left to right (for right-handed golfers), usually due to an open clubface at impact and an outside-to-inside swing path.

If you’re transitioning from dealing with a slice to fixing a hook, understanding the different causes and fixes can help you better adjust your game.

The Influence of Golf Club

The golf club you use has a significant impact on your shots. Certain club designs can exaggerate a hook, especially if they have a closed clubface. If you struggle with hooks, consider consulting with a club professional to ensure your equipment isn’t exacerbating the issue.

The Crucial Role of Hands in a Golf Swing

Your left hand and right palm play a significant role in controlling your golf club and shaping your shot. A common mistake for right-handed golfers struggling with a hook is allowing the left hand to become overly dominant in the swing, leading to a closed clubface at impact.

Your left thumb should rest in the palm of your right hand, creating a unified grip. Keep your grip pressure consistent and avoid letting the bottom hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) grip too tightly. The correct alignment of your hands can help keep your clubface square and combat a hook.

Analyzing Your Ball’s Initial Direction

One way to diagnose a hook is to pay close attention to where your ball starts. If the ball starts left of your target line (for a right-handed golfer) and then curves further left, you are likely dealing with a pull hook. A pull hook can be caused by an overly active right hand and a closed clubface to your swing path.

Right Arm and Hand: Key Elements in Preventing a Hook

Your right arm and hand play a crucial role in preventing a hook. If your right arm dominates your downswing, it can close the clubface and cause a hook. Keep your right arm passive during the downswing and allow your left arm to guide the club.

Similarly, if your right hand becomes too active, it can cause the clubface to close. Maintain a firm but relaxed grip with your right hand to help keep the clubface square.

Hitting Straight: Balancing the Clubface

For a ball to fly straight, the clubface must be square at impact, and the path should follow the target line. If your clubface is closed, the ball will likely start left and continue curving left, leading to a hook.

Practice your swing without a ball, slowly swinging waist high to waist high, keeping the clubface square throughout. This drill can help you get a feel for a square clubface and may help fix pull hooks.

Correct Head Position: An Overlooked Aspect

Keep your head still and in the correct position during the swing. A common error is moving the head ahead of the ball during the downswing, which can result in an ‘in to out’ swing path and a resulting hook. Practice maintaining a steady head position throughout your swing to help fix a hook.

Playing the Course: Managing Your Hook

While you’re working on fixing your hook, you’ll still need to play your rounds. Try aiming slightly right (for right-handed golfers) to accommodate your hook when on the course. This isn’t a fix, but it can help manage your game while you’re working on improvements.

The Mental Aspect of Fixing a Golf Hook

The mental aspect of golf is just as important as the physical. A positive mindset can aid in fixing a hook, while negative thoughts can hinder progress. Techniques for developing mental toughness in golf can be beneficial.


Fixing a hook in golf involves understanding the cause, making appropriate adjustments, and consistent practice. With patience and dedication, you can improve your game and enjoy better golf.

Next Steps: Your Journey to a Better Golf Swing

The journey to fix a hook can be challenging but rewarding. Remember, the goal is not just to stop hooking the ball but to improve your overall golf game. Enjoy the journey!


  1. Golf Digest: Fix Your Hook For Good
  2. How to fix a hook in golf
  3. PGA: How to Cure a Hook
  4. Golf Monthly: How To Stop Hooking The Ball

Chris is an accomplished health and fitness writer with a strong passion for helping others optimize their physical and mental well-being. With a degree in Exercise Science and a diverse background in the wellness industry, Chris brings a depth of knowledge to his writing that is both comprehensive and compelling.

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