Ah, golf. A sport where you can spend hours trying to get a tiny ball into a slightly larger hole. Sounds simple, right? But as many golfers know, the devil’s in the details.

Especially when it comes to chipping. Whether you’re a newbie trying to figure out how to chip in golf or a seasoned pro looking for that edge, this guide’s for you. And if you’re just here for the jokes, well, I’ve got a few of those too. Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Basics of Chipping

Chipping is like that friend who always shows up uninvited. You might not always want it around, but when it’s there, you better know how to deal with it.

The basic idea behind chipping is to get the golf ball airborne for a short distance and then let it roll towards the hole. Think of it as a mini-swing, or for the beginners, a glorified putt with a hop in the middle.

The Role of the Golf Ball in Chipping

Ever heard the saying, “It’s not you, it’s the golf ball”? No? Well, maybe that’s because I just made it up. But the golf ball plays a significant role in chipping. Depending on its position, whether it’s forward or center, it can affect how the ball hits the ground.

Place it too forward, and you might hit the ball thin; too back, and you risk digging into the green like you’re searching for buried treasure.

Selecting the Right Golf Club for Chipping

Choosing a club for chipping is like choosing a dance partner. You want one that complements your moves. Most golfers opt for a sand wedge or a lob wedge, but sometimes a gap wedge or even a 7-iron can do the trick.

Remember Phil Mickelson’s “hinge and hold method”? That’s one form of chipping, and it’s done wonders for many golfers. But don’t be like me and try it with a driver. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t end well.

The Fundamentals of a Chip Shot

Alright, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. The chipping setup. Start with a narrow stance, feet closer together than a gossiping duo at the driving range.

Lean slightly on your left side (for right-handers), ensuring your left shoulder is higher than the right. This helps in delivering a descending blow to the ball, making solid contact. Remember, it’s a short swing, so no need to wind up like you’re trying to hit a home run.

Perfecting the Very Short Swing

When it comes to chipping, sometimes less is more. A very short swing can be the key to achieving that delicate touch needed for shots close to the green.

The basic technique here is to focus on the chipping motion, keeping your right shoulder steady and ensuring that the ball position remains consistent, typically towards the ball center. This approach helps golfers chip with more consistent contact, reducing the chances of those dreaded mishits.

The Role of Ball Position in Chipping

Ball position is like the secret sauce in a gourmet dish. Get it right, and everything falls into place. For most chip shots, you’ll want the ball forward in your stance.

This helps ensure a clean, upward strike, allowing the ball to loft and land softly on the green. However, if you’re facing a longer chip, you might want to place the ball center or even slightly back. This adjustment helps control distance, ensuring you don’t overshoot the green.

Becoming a Great Chipper: It’s All in the Details

Every golf course presents its unique challenges, and adapting to them is what separates a good golfer from a great chipper. One of the secrets? Understanding when to use which club.

While a sand wedge or lob wedge might be your go-to, sometimes a pitching wedge is the better choice, especially for longer chip shots where you need the ball to roll out more. Remember, it’s not just about getting the ball in the air; it’s about controlling where it lands and how it behaves once it’s on the green.

The Dance of Distance Control

If chipping were a dance, then distance control would be the rhythm. It’s essential to sync your chipping motion with the distance you want the ball to travel. A common mistake many golfers make is using the same swing length regardless of how far they are from the hole.

By adjusting your backswing and follow-through, and keeping that right shoulder in check, you can better control distance, ensuring you’re always in a good position for your next shot.

Embracing the Basic Technique

While there are many advanced techniques to explore, never underestimate the power of mastering the basics. The foundation of a good chip lies in a solid stance, a steady chipping motion, and an understanding of ball position.

Whether you’re on your home golf course or facing new challenges on a course you’ve never played, returning to the basic technique can often be the key to success.

Mastering the Chipping Technique

The key to a great chip? Solid contact and distance control. Imagine trying to brush the grass under the ball. That’s the kind of contact you want. As for distance, think of it as a putting stroke.

The longer the swing, the farther the ball goes. And if you’re wondering how to get more spin on those shorter chips, try the “hinge and hold” method I mentioned earlier. Just don’t ask me to demonstrate. Last time I tried, I nearly chipped my buddy’s drink right out of his hand!

Reading the Green for Chip Shots

The green is like a book, and many golfers don’t take the time to read it. Look for slopes, undulations, and even the type of grass. It all affects how the ball rolls. And if you’re playing after a rain, remember the ground will be softer. So, adjust your technique accordingly.

The Art of the Chip Shot: Making Proper Contact

To chip the ball effectively, your chipping setup is paramount. Begin by aligning your feet slightly left of the target (for right-handers), ensuring your target side is slightly ahead.

This position allows your upper body to pivot smoothly during the swing. The leading edge of your club should be what makes contact with the golf ball, ensuring a crisp, clean shot. Remember, it’s not about power; it’s about precision.

Choosing the Right Club: The Backbone of Your Short Game

Your golf club plays a pivotal role in your chipping game. While many automatically reach for their favorite chipping clubs, sometimes the situation calls for a bit of creativity.

For shots that require more loft, for instance, you might opt for a club with a higher degree, allowing the ball to pop up and stop quickly on the green.

Conversely, for longer chips, other clubs like a 7 or 8-iron can be more effective, letting the ball roll out more. The key is to understand the shot you need and choose your club accordingly.

The Nuances of Chipping: More Than Just a Simple Shot

Chipping is an essential part of the short game in golf. While it might seem like a straightforward task, the intricacies of how to chip can be the difference between saving par or adding unnecessary strokes to your score.

The golf ball’s position, the angle of the club, and even the type of golf club you choose can all influence the outcome of your chip shot.

Expanding Your Chipping Arsenal: Exploring Other Clubs

While wedges are the go-to for many when chipping, don’t be afraid to explore other clubs in your bag. Sometimes, the situation might call for a less conventional choice.

For instance, using a 9-iron to chip can offer a lower trajectory with more roll, ideal for those longer chips where you have more green to work with. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each club, you can elevate your chipping game and become a more versatile player.

Advanced Chipping Techniques

For those looking to up their chipping game, consider experimenting with different clubs. Sometimes a 7-iron can offer more control than a wedge. And for those pesky longer chips, try placing the ball close to your front foot, allowing for a longer swing. But always remember to stay balanced. Falling over after a chip shot is only funny when it’s not you.

Drills to Improve Your Chip Shots

Practice makes perfect. Or in my case, practice makes “less terrible.” Head to the driving range and try chipping from various distances. Use different clubs, experiment with ball positions, and always aim for consistent contact. And if you can, practice on a real green. It gives a better feel for the game.

Common Mistakes in Chipping and How to Avoid Them

Many golfers make the mistake of scooping the ball, leading to inconsistent shots. Remember, the club should hit the ground, ensuring a descending blow.

Another common error? Not following through. It’s like stopping halfway through a sneeze. Unsatisfying and, frankly, a bit awkward.

The Mental Aspect of Chipping

Golf is as much a mental game as it is physical. Stay calm, visualize your shot, and always believe in your ability. And if all else fails, remember my golden rule: It’s just a game. Unless you’re playing for money. Then it’s war.

Incorporating Chip Shots into Your Overall Game Strategy

Chipping can save you strokes and, in some cases, your dignity. Incorporate it into your game strategy, especially when you’re close to the green. And always remember, a bad chip is better than a bad putt. At least that’s what I tell myself.

Equipment Tips for Better Chipping

Invest in a good wedge. It’s like buying a good mattress. You’ll use it often, and it can make a world of difference. And always ensure your clubs are the right fit. A club too long or too short is like wearing mismatched shoes. It just feels wrong.

Learning from the Pros

We’ve all seen those iconic chip shots in tournaments. The ones that make us jump off our couches and spill our drinks. Study them, learn from them, and then try to replicate them. But maybe without the audience.

Frequently Asked Questions about Chipping in Golf

“Why do I keep missing my chip shots?” Probably because you’re not following my advice. Just kidding (or am I?). Chipping is tricky, but with practice and the right technique, you’ll get the hang of it.


Chipping, like all aspects of golf, requires patience, practice, and a bit of humor. So, whether you’re a beginner or a pro, remember to enjoy the game, laugh at your mistakes, and always keep chipping away!

References and Further Reading

For those looking to delve deeper into the art of chipping, I recommend “The Short Game Bible” by Dave Pelz and, of course, any video where Phil Mickelson talks about chipping. Trust me; it’s worth it.

Chris is an accomplished health and fitness writer with a strong passion for helping others optimize their physical and mental well-being. With a degree in Exercise Science and a diverse background in the wellness industry, Chris brings a depth of knowledge to his writing that is both comprehensive and compelling.

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