Once exclusive to golf courses, golf carts have evolved into versatile vehicles used in various settings. This article aims to address one key question many potential owners and users have: “How much does a golf cart weigh?”

Understanding Golf Carts and Their Varieties

Golf carts, or golf cars, are compact vehicles initially designed to transport golfers and their equipment within golf courses. With a typical speed range of 15 to 25 mph, they are akin to a small pickup truck designed for the golf course, providing a practical means to traverse the vast expanses without tiring the players.

The Diversified Usage of Golf Carts

Over the years, golf carts have diversified into other realms, such as residential communities, large establishments, and even some urban areas, offering a convenient mode of transportation.

This shift is largely due to their eco-friendly nature, compact size, and relatively low operating costs. In many gated communities and large corporations, they are used for security patrols, groundskeeping, and short-distance travel.

Different Types of Golf Carts

The evolution of golf carts over time has led to the development of various models, from standard two-seaters to luxurious multi-passenger vehicles. Some vehicles have a passenger weight limit, often indicated in the vehicle’s manual.

Some carts are now equipped with heaters, radio systems, and even custom body styles. The type, power source (electric or gasoline), and additional golf cart features can significantly impact its final weight, much like how a pickup truck’s weight can vary based on its configuration.

Why the Weight of a Golf Cart Matters

‘Curb weight’ refers to the total weight of a golf cart, including essential components like the battery and motor fluid, but excluding passengers and cargo. This measurement is important for understanding a golf cart’s weight without straining its components or draining its battery power too quickly.

The Impact of Weight on Performance

Knowing the golf cart’s weight is essential, as it affects performance, battery life, and safety. like some gas cart models, heavier carts may have slower acceleration and top speed, consume more energy or fuel, and wear down the tires and brakes quicker.

Too many passengers or excessive cargo can also overload the vehicle. Furthermore, the weight of a golf cart can influence its ability to navigate rough terrain and steep slopes, with lighter carts generally offering more agility.

The Role of Weight in Golf Cart Lifespan

Exceeding the weight limit can strain the golf cart’s components, potentially reducing lifespan. Extra weight stresses the golf cart’s frame, motor, suspension, and brakes, which can lead to more frequent repairs and replacements over time.

The Average Weight of Golf Carts

Typically, a standard-sized golf cart weighs between 900 to 1,100 pounds. This weight can fluctuate based on various factors, including the brand, model, whether it’s an electric golf cart or gas-powered, and the number and type of accessories installed.

Brand-Specific Weight Differences

For example, an EZ golf cart, one of the common brands, may have different golf cart weights based on its model and features. The EZ-GO RXV, for instance, weighs around 935 pounds without batteries, while the EZ-GO TXT models weigh slightly less.

Understanding Electric Golf Cart Weights

Electric golf carts are becoming increasingly popular due to their quiet operation, lower maintenance, and environmental friendliness. They are particularly suited to short trips and smooth terrains, offering an eco-friendly alternative to a traditional gas cart.

Battery Weight in Electric Golf Carts

The weight of an electric golf cart often includes heavy lead-acid or lithium-ion golf cart batteries, which can contribute significantly to the overall weight. For example, a standard 36-volt lead-acid battery pack can weigh as much as 300 pounds, similar to the impact a full gas tank might have on a pickup truck’s weight.

A Comparison of Electric and Gas-Powered Golf Cart Weights

Gas golf carts, powered by a four-stroke gasoline engine, tend to weigh more than electric carts due to the additional weight of the fuel tank and engine components. They are typically preferred for more rigorous tasks and uneven terrains, just like a pickup truck might be chosen over a smaller car for heavy-duty tasks.

Weight Comparison Factors

When comparing the weight of an electric vs. a gas golf cart, it’s essential to account for the weight of the golf cart batteries in electric models, which can be significant, and the fuel tank and engine in gas-powered golf carts.

For instance, a gas cart’s weight can be affected by the amount of fuel in its tank at any given moment, much like the weight of a pickup truck can change based on its load and fuel level.

Understanding Weight Distribution in a Golf Cart

Understanding the weight distribution in a golf cart involves considering not just the average golf cart weight but also factors like the golf cart weight limit and how much extra weight from passengers, accessories, and cargo the cart can handle.

Whether you’re driving a Yamaha Concierge, an EZ golf cart, or another type of golf car, the total weight, including added components or passengers, influences the cart’s stability, performance, and safety.

Remember, if you’re transporting golf equipment or additional passengers in your golf car or introducing other accessories to your electric cart, the overall weight can increase significantly. Overloading your cart with more weight than it can handle may strain the components and impact the balance, making driving unsafe.

Electric vs. Gas Golf Carts: Weight Differences

Electric golf carts and gas golf carts differ in their average cart weight. On average, electric golf carts are lighter than gas models because of their design and the components they use.

For example, the exact weight of an electric golf cart, such as the E-Z-GO Freedom RXV, varies from that of a gas model from the same brand. The electric cart’s weight can be less than a gas model when equipped with lead-acid batteries.

While electric carts can be lighter, they often require frequent battery replacements. However, replacing a lead-acid battery with a lithium-ion battery can help decrease the electric golf cart’s weight without adding extra weight, increasing efficiency.

How Seating Capacity Affects Golf Cart Weight

The seating capacity of a golf cart also significantly affects how much a golf car weighs. Most carts come standard with two seats, but there are models with additional seating capacity. For instance, a four-seater Yamaha Concierge will weigh more than its two-seater counterpart.

However, it’s important to note that a golf cart with more seats can carry more passengers. This means you also need to consider the weight of the passengers, besides the weight of the golf cart itself.

Overloading your cart with passengers can exceed the weight a golf cart can safely handle, causing damage and hampering performance.

Towing with a Golf Cart

When considering golf cart tow capabilities, the weight of a golf cart plays a significant role. If you’re using your cart to tow a small trailer or another load, it’s vital to understand the golf cart’s weight limit. Most golf carts, even heavier gas models, aren’t designed to handle too much extra weight beyond their design specifications.

Remember, a golf cart’s weight limit isn’t just about the weight it can carry but also how much weight it can pull when towing. A golf cart will weigh more when towing, affecting its maneuverability and handling on different terrains.

Weight Variations Among Different Golf Cart Brands

Different golf cart brands and their specific models, like the EZ golf cart or Yamaha Concierge, result in weight variations. For instance, a Club Car golf cart’s weight could differ from other brands like Yamaha or E-Z-GO.

Even within the same brand, golf carts weigh differently. A Club Car Onward, for instance, will have a different weight than a Club Car Precedent.

The dry weight (the weight of the golf cart without any passengers or additional accessories) serves as a baseline, but remember that the actual weight will increase as you add passengers and accessories.

Weight Considerations When Playing Golf

On the course, the average golf cart weight is usually sufficient to handle the load of two golfers and their clubs.

However, avoid overloading the golf cart with too many golf bags, additional equipment, or extra passengers. Excess weight can strain the cart’s power—especially crucial to remember if you’re using an electric cart, which may have extra batteries—and hamper overall performance.

Whether you’re using an electric or gas golf cart, respecting the weight limit ensures a smooth, trouble-free ride on the course.

Remember, understanding the weight of a golf cart—be it the dry weight, curb weight, or total weight, as well as the weight limits for different models like the Yamaha Concierge, EZ golf cart, or Freedom RXV gas—can help maintain its longevity, performance, and safety.


Knowing your golf cart’s weight is crucial, whether you’re on a golf course, using it for personal transportation, or in a commercial setting.

The weight, whether the dry weight and curb or the total weight with passengers and additional cargo, influences many aspects of a golf cart’s functionality and performance.

Understanding the average weight of the golf cart, being mindful of the weight limit, and considering the weight distribution will ensure a safe and smooth ride in your golf cart.

Chris is an accomplished health and fitness writer with a strong passion for helping others optimize their physical and mental well-being. With a degree in Exercise Science and a diverse background in the wellness industry, Chris brings a depth of knowledge to his writing that is both comprehensive and compelling.

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